Wednesday 28 November 2012

'Marx In Soho' Presentation Notes

*summer months (June, July, August)
*weather issues, outside

*Behind Waterlow Park
*North London
*Karl Marx's grave, buried 1883

The Play
*'Marx in Soho', 1999
*Written by historian, Howard Zinn
*One man, 70 minute play
*Karl Marx convinces the authorities of the afterlife to allow him to come back from the dead to clear his name. He appears in your city to make his case
*Zinn stated that h wrote the play to "show Marx as few people knew him, as a family man, struggling to support his wife and children"

*3 rows of about 20 chairs, total audience approx. 60

Set, Props & Costume
*suit, recognizable beard
*ghostly make up
*No set except table with lamp and books on it, beauty of cemetery is the backdrop, emphasizes the play

*Early summer evening
*Red electric lights flooding the foliage behind the grave upwards

Total Experience 
*"Enjoyable to many, interesting to others, and no doubt offensive to somebody."

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