Monday, 12 November 2012

Unit One: Word & Image Preparation

> 300-500 words, at least one image.
> Evaluate in terms of potential for performance events.
> Reflect on presentation one, what could have been done better.

What the location was like (Highgate Cemetery):
> Style: not like a grim gothic expected, more poetic, not all in unison (modern vs. traditional)
> Scale: large, different sides, not a distinct route to walk along.
> Little spots of humor: funny headstones, also some shocking.
> Atmosphere: It was surprisingly tranquil, mellow, thought-provoking- thought of deceased however not in a grim or dark sense, the exact opposite. Light, open, natural, not suffocating.
> In touch with nature, lots of greenery, trees, overgrowing ivy and plants, deceased are one with the earth.
> Relaxing environment, even had benches dotted around so as to be able to enjoy the surroundings.
> Peaceful sounds, not too noisy, nature, distant quiet chat from visitors.

Things to think about in terms of performance dynamic:
> Space
> Audience
> Sound & Light
> Text
> Location/ weather
> Scale
> Theme/appropriate
> Costumes

Location potential for a performance:
> Great location in emersive theatre due to the shape of the paths and layout of the space, the audience would be placed in a scattered way, the possibility of taking the audience on a journey down the paths or space them along the central path.
> Weather: as is open air would limit events to being outdoors and consequently dry seasons, London weather is unreliable and therefore so would event dates (possibility of shows being cancelled).
> Space: Large space technically but a lot of it would be impractical. 2 sides connected through gates and road so have the possibility of using one or the other, either east, west or both.
> Sound & Light: As the venue is outside, if the production was during the day, elements of light would be hard to control. However if during evening could be very controlled and atmospheric. Sound would be simple to control very quiet as away from busy streets but would always have the slight background sound of nature (birds etc.).
> Scale: The space has the possibility of being on a grand scale (number of people wise) as open air, height wise not many restrictions except for the trees and foliage causing obstructions.

How well did the presentation go?
> Positive feedback for the song which i too thought embodied well the atmosphere of our trip to the cemetery.
> Audience seemed to respond well, understood the type of experience we had.
> Comments about the adventure playground feel of cemetery maybe could have shot footage in a more exploratory way.
> Possibly shown drawings of previous ideas so audience understood our experience even more.
> Could have created sketches to explain the layout more clearly, or shown maps.
> Could have shown a wider range of headstones, maybe photos on a display sheet in addition to the video.

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